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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jasmine Pearl infused Panna Cotta with Kumquat Compote ~ 茉綠奶凍配糖漬金桔

This milk custard perfumed with fragrant Jasmine Pearl tea is something to die for (or at least to try once)! I am a panna cotta fanatic, as if you have not already noticed thru my other posts. I still can’t believe something requires so little to make (dead easy too), tastes this good! Besides how heavenly it tastes, it is also a fantastically versatile dessert. It can be eating by itself or served with compote, fruit chutney, syrup, fruit coulis and fresh fruits! Though panna cotta is originally made using vanilla beans, it can also be infused with teas and spices! What not to love?!

Since this dessert requires minimal ingredients to make, quality is the key here. You can skim on milk (actually you can’t) but you must use high quality tea here. There are several artisan tea vendors that offer high quality teas and one of my favorites is Rishi. This tea artisan offers some of the finest tea at a reasonable price. I especially love their line of organic teas =)

Oh, I paired the custard with kumquat compote because I thought the tartness will give it a little kick (looks pretty together too)! It is also delicious by itself. Whatever your preference is; happy chowing!

Jasmine Pearl infused Panna Cotta with kumquat compote

250g whipping cream
150g 2% milk
60g granulated sugar
1tbs loose jasmine dragon pearl tea leave
12g leaf gelatine or powdered gelatine (8g for the just set version)

Some kumquat compote
Some veggie oil for buttering moulds

- Brush moulds with a thin layer of veggie oil.
- Pre-soak leaf gelatine or powered gelatine; set aside.

I thought you should know:
- Since I am molding my panna cotta, I was generous on the gelatine. If you prefer the barely set (ultra creamy), add less gelatine and set in glasses or cups instead!

Add the loose tea leave to the milk and leave it in the fridge overnight; strain. Bring the milk, cream, and sugar to boil in a saucepan. Remove from heat and let cool for 5 minutes. Add in the pre-soaked gelatine, stir till completely dissolved, then cool till lukewarm; strain. Pour the cream mixture into moulds, then place in the fridge and chill until set, about 2 hours.

你可能察覺我對義大利家常甜點panna cotta迷戀個不行。呵呵呵,那我也就不用隱藏對它的喜愛了。尤愛它細緻柔滑的口感和優雅濃郁的乳香 *Q* 這樣就算了,它還給我易製做個不行!也非常的百搭。配果醬,糖醬,水果沙拉都很出色。愛它不是沒道理的!因為這道甜點只需幾樣材料,用料就不能隨便了。高品質的茉綠珍珠可是主角噢!茉綠珍珠就是綠茶與香氣細緻的茉莉花結合成綠白交織的美麗小珍珠! 有著優雅的香氣及淡綠茶色。用看的聞的就令人心怡神悅了。話說現在喝茶已經是fashion了,so好的賣茶的店不難找。而我這次用的茶購自Rishi。一直很喜歡他們的茶,特愛那無農藥培植的系列。好想全部給買回家哦∼



250g 鮮奶油/淡忌廉
150g 2%牛奶
60g 砂糖
1大匙 茉綠珍珠茶葉*
12g 明膠片/明膠粉 (8g,如果喜歡口感軟一點的)

糖漬金桔 隨意
塗凍模用植物油 隨意

- 明膠片用冰水泡軟之後擠掉水分,備用。如果用明膠粉: 將明膠粉倒入水裡 (2大匙) 泡脹後備用。
- 為了方便脫模,模子要上一層薄薄的植物油。

- Q度是可以調整的。只要調整明膠的用量就可以。若是喜歡軟一點的就減少;硬一點的就加多一點。

牛奶與茶葉混合,放進冰箱,泡浸一個晚上。過濾後混合鮮奶油和砂糖,開中火煮沸後熄火。稍微放涼5分鐘後,加入泡軟(擠掉水分)的明膠片,攪拌至融化混合,過濾奶漿。放涼後,倒進模裡,放進冰箱冷凍2小時以上或一個晚上。將panna cotta脫模。將模子倒轉,隔著熱水回暖 (或用熱毛巾將周圍熱敷)十秒,倒轉放于盤子上脫模,食用時拌糖漬金桔。


  1. ning`妹又黎探你喇;}

  2. 忘了問,不加茶葉可以嘛!?

    寧`♥ 上:]

  3. 呢set杯碟好令哦(♥´ω`♥)!我一直都想送一set俾自己呀high tea用最岩,個tea都好味D!心形奶涷好屎sweet呀~

  4. 這次過客不說話了 XD ( 只是雙眼凸出,隻手不斷輕撫我的Mon and 口水流ing ONLY)

    雙眼已凸出的'過客' :D

  5. 寧`♥∼


    唔加茶葉?no problem!你去check下呢帖:

  6. 小軍∼


    我好鬼鐘意high tea∼
    tea set啦d碟啦都唔知買左幾多囉!我唸我有公主症 ~.~

  7. 過客~

    I'm sorry~~~(掩面淚奔ing)

  8. Wow this looks delicious. Panna cotta has long been on my list of things I should try sometime, and I have a newfound love of kumquats, so the next time I can find some good looking kumquats I will definitely make this.

    I tagged you for a meme... :)

  9. oh wow....I really like the tea set, they're really really beautiful.
    And the panna cotta look so so so so so good!!!!!!!!!

  10. Dear Venus,

    Hello, I haven't been here for a few time, miss you!

    I really want to bring your tea cup set back to my home, I love them!!! I know you're "crazy" for Panna-cotta, and they really look so delicious, so smooth and rich tasth they are!I can't help my mouth watering, haha~~~
    講開金柑, 我屋企有樽浸左幾年既鹽金柑, 喉嚨痛時我就會用來沖水飲, 不錯!

    take care!

  11. Hi Mary~

    I see that you tagged me for meme =) I will try to do that when I completed the DB February challenge.

    Oh, how I love this custard. I hope you’ll love it like I do after you taste it~

  12. Hi Millime~

    I know that Tiffany blue color palette made everyone believe that they are a set. However, the tea “set” is actually not a set =) The cups/saucers are from Anthropologie and the plates are a found at an Antique store! I have been roaming thru many Antique stores lately and found many great things like French bakeware, tea cups, vintage dress pattern and vintage lace! Like one said, “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure”.

  13. Hi Mayu~

    Makes your mouth water?! Why don't you make some to ease the watering ~0~

    My mom preserved some 鹽檸檬. I guess it is same like 鹽金桔?! I like to drink that with honey. 我喜歡that鹽鹽甜甜的風味=) 最近想學整柚子茶coz我超♥韓國柚子茶! I drink it like water!

  14. Oh!♥ ♥ ♥ your plate. You gotta share where you scouted out all these treasures. I sometimes visit Goodwill, hoping there might be gold in the dust. But nope, no success so far except a few vintage picture frames....

  15. Dear Vi,
    好可愛的末綠奶凍, 吃起來有沒有像是奶綠茶? 茶具也好精緻, 我從來沒見過茉莉綠茶揉成這種形狀, 家裡的碧蘿春倒是很像, 台灣有種茶叫做白豪烏龍也是有絲絲白豪在茶葉當中, 味道不像烏龍到像紅茶 ^_^

  16. so cute!!!
    Perfect for afternoon tea!

    btw, I think I am on the same boat for 公主症! One of my new toys is 2 tier high tea stand XD

  17. Dear butterfly~

    These plates are only $5 each and they are vintage Lenox! I usually visit the Antique stores on Park Street in Alameda and I especially ♥the one called Pauline's Antique! I kept finding goodies there~

  18. Dear Blue,
    Yes, kind of like 奶綠茶! 我很喜歡茉莉綠茶。它很香很香 ^^

    白豪烏龍我還沒有喝過。 倒是昨天在Teance購入了台灣名茶東方美人。名字好優美,希望它茶如其名 ~0~

  19. Hi Yujai~

    Are you back from your trip?!

    I think most girls do like to high tea! It makes one feel submerged in the world of the privilege ^^

  20. Yup! I am back to US ;)
    Back to my blogging life!

  21. Dear Vi,

    They are the same... the good ones you might be able to sense a little bit of sweetness from it. Very elegant ~ From how you described I think you would probably enjoy 金萱茶 as well.

  22. Hi Blue~



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