Panna cotta literally means "cooked cream", it generally refers to a creamy, set dessert from Italy. It is a dessert made by simmering together cream, milk and sugar, mixing this with gelatine, and letting it cool until set. This is the only non-bake, eggless custard dessert from its family. Anyone who have ever tasted this rich, creamy, silky smooth, melt-in-your-mouth dessert became a devoted fans.
Panna Cotta is believe to be originated from the shepherd’s kitchen of Northern Italy. First, they cooked the cream they processed, let cool then wait for it to get set naturally. Earlier recipes used boiled fish bones in place of gelatine. Years later, this treat evolved into what is now a gelatine-thickened semi-custard semi-mousse dessert, flavored with vanilla. Vanilla is a key ingredient. It contains tiny, flavourless seeds, which are recognizable as black specks. Other than it adds a delectable aroma to the dessert, it contains about 17 types of beneficial amino acid and 250 plus types compounds. It has the property to ease heartburn, release toxic, and etc. An all-natural beauty enhancer and helps with our well-being.
Not long ago, I made panna cotta with strawberry sauce. The tartness balanced the sweetness of panna cotta perfectly. This time, I made a fusion variation. I must admit it is a very different taste when it is paired with sesame sauce. Very aromatic! Sesame is also another food that is beneficial to us. It is packed with amino acid, vitamin B, iron and etc. Sesame plays an important role in keeping my hair healthy and silky ;P
You can adjust the texture of this dessert. The key is the gelatine! You can add 100ml cream mixture to 1.5g gelatine and see if you prefer it to be softer or harder. You’ll be the judge!
Serves 4 (4oz mold)
Panna Cotta
150ml milk
180ml whipping cream
2tbs condensed milk
30g granulated sugar
½ vanilla bean (split and seeds scraped)
7g leaf gelatine (or 7g of powdered gelatine)
1tbs Amaretto (Italian almond liqueur)
Sesame Sauce
4tbs black honey (made from brown sugar and is available in Japanese supermarket.)
2tbs black sesame powder
Some black sesame for presentation
Butter for buttering molds
- Oil all the molds with melted butter.
- Heat a frying pan over medium heat and roast the sesame until it release aroma. 3 minutes.
- Soak leaf gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes (squeeze out excess water before adding to mixture). Add 2 tablespoons of water to powdered gelatine if this is what you use in replacement.
Make sure to remove any bubbles from surface after pouring cream mixture into molds.
Bring milk, whipping cream, condensed milk, sugar and vanilla bean (split and seeds scraped) to boil over medium heat. Stir occasionally.
Remove from heat. Add pre-soaked leaf gelatine or powder gelatine. Stir until gelatine completely melted.
Strain. Discard vanilla bean. Let cool to room temperature. Pour in the Amaretto. Stir to combine. Pour mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator for 3 hours or overnight.
Make sesame sauce only before serving. Mix the honey and sesame powder in a small bowl until combined. Divide sauce into servers. Invert the molds and place in a hot water bath for 10 second and the panna cotta will slide right out.
Pour sauce over each panna cotta and sprinkle with sesame and serve.
Recipe came from Naomi Hakamata's 3行レシピでつくる とっておきスイーツ
Panna Cotta的意思就是煮過的鮮奶油。是一道不含蛋,不用熱烤的意式布丁甜點。濃郁的乳香,細緻柔滑的口感,入口的瞬間隨即融化,使吃過的人不能不愛上它喔^O^
它的出源地是意大利。話說很久以前某山上的牧羊人將自家生產的牛、羊奶製成鮮奶油後,經過熬煮、冷卻、放置自然凝固製作而成的一道家常甜點。流傳至今,則演變為直接加入明膠冷卻凝固。Panna Cotta 另一種主要材料就是香草豆﹐即雲呢拿。不要小看這黑黑的籽籽﹐豆莢中含有250種以上芳香成份及17種人體必需的氨基酸,具有極強的補腎、開胃、除脹、健脾等醫學效果,是一種天然滋補養顏良藥。
之前我將 panna cotta 搭配酸酸甜甜的果漿,現在搭配香醇的芝麻漿又是另一種風味。芝麻含有豐沛的維他命B群、氨基酸等。多吃有養顏的功效喔﹗
4oz凍模 4個
150ml 牛奶
180ml 淡忌廉/ 鮮奶油
2湯匙 煉乳/煉奶
30g 砂糖
7g 明膠片/魚膠片(或魚膠粉7g)
½ 條 雲呢拿條/香草豆 (開半刮籽)
1湯匙 Amaretto酒 (杏仁酒)
4湯匙 黑蜂蜜
2湯匙 黑芝麻粉
裝飾用黑芝麻 隨意
塗凍模用無塩牛油 隨意
- 明膠片用冰水泡軟之後擠掉水分,備用。如果用明膠粉: 將其倒入水裡泡脹後備用。
- 為了方便脫模,模子要上一層融牛油。
- 黑芝麻要先炒過。
- 奶漿倒進容器裡,要去掉表面的泡沫,要不然美觀感會打折。
將奶漿篩過後,稍微放涼。接著加入 Amaretto 酒,攪拌均勻。然後倒進凍模裡。放進冰箱冷凍3小時以上或一個晚上。
黑芝麻漿是panna cotta 要上桌時才製作的。將黑蜂蜜、黑芝麻粉攪拌混合後,分別倒進容器裡,備用。
將panna cotta脫模。將模子倒轉,隔著熱水回暖(或用熱毛巾將周圍熱敷)十秒,倒轉放于盤子上脫模。食用時淋上黑芝麻漿,再撒上黑芝麻就可以上桌啦 ^U^
食譜來自袴田尚弥的 3行レシピでつくる とっておきスイーツ
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Panna cotta, arrosée de sirop de cassonade et saupoudrée de sésame noir ~ 芝麻の魅力
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ReplyDeleteThis dessert looks so smoothy and really tasts good, I'd like to try it later, thanks for your recipe!
p.s.: I love the pics you took, very good!!
Hi Mayu~
ReplyDeleteLet me know how it turns out for you. Anyone ever tasted this dessert begs for more ^o^ Super popular so I can't keep up with the demands!
ReplyDeleteHappy Mid-autumn Festival^^
Did you eat moon cake?
ReplyDeleteI had a few bites!東瓜蓉and蓮蓉口味!
Panna Cotta! 我以前弄過panna cotta with coffee jello cube也不錯哦!
ReplyDeleteI love your presentation, they all looks very nice XD
Hi yuijai~
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind notes.
Coffee cube w/panna cotta?! They must taste great together! It is so versatile cuz it can be pair with so many different things!
BTW, I drop by your blog and I luv your site layout. I see that you are a graphic designer; did you design your own template?
Oh thanks for dropping by!
ReplyDeleteYea, took me 2 days to convert it to the new blogger format! It's not perfect yet, still have to revise the code sometimes