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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Crème Fraîche + Mango Verrines ~ 芒果奶酪慕斯杯


I know it is already fall but I just couldn’t resist making this summery dessert, plus I have to use up the remainder of the mango purée from making this out-of-this-world-yummy buttercream!

This mango verrine is nothing too complicated thus it does look and taste sophisticated. It is suggested that it be served in see through container so that the beautiful layers can be visible. If you can’t find readily available mango purée, you can make your own using a food processor. In this case, it is very important to use ripe mangoes in order for the flavor to pop. I have made this dessert before with a traditional panna cotta layer, but since devouring this version made with crème fraîche, I have been eager to pair this rich, velvety, tangy, and nutty cream cheese to sweet mango! The result?! It is a truly delicious combo! Try it yourself (^u^)

Btw, for those who observed Thanksgiving – Have a wonderful Turkey Day!! I’ll be cooking my 1st big girl Thanksgiving dinner!! Hopefully, I can take some pictures to show and tell later ;)


Crème Fraîche + Mango Verrines Compositions
- Crème Fraîche Panna Cotta
- Mango Gelée with Mango Cubes
- Mango Mousse
- Mango Coulis
- Mango Cubes, slightly torched

Crème Fraîche Panna Cotta
~ adopted from Cannelle et Vanille

200 grams heavy cream
45 grams sugar
1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
3 grams sheet gelatine
100 grams crème fraîche

In a small saucepan, cook the heavy cream, sugar and vanilla bean until it comes to a boil. In the meantime, soak the gelatine in ice water. When the cream has come to a boil, remove the pan from the heat and add the softened gelatin. Whisk to dissolve it. Sift into a clean bowl, discard solids, and let it cool to about body temperature. Add the crème fraîche and whisk well.

Pour the panna cotta into glasses or cups (I used verrine cups I found in a local Party Warehouse.) to about 1/3 of the height and let it set in the refrigerator, about 2 hours.

Mango Gelée with Mango Cubes
~ adopted from Tony Wong’s dessert series

150 grams fresh mango, diced
100 grams mango purée
25 grams granulated sugar
2 grams sheet gelatine

Warm half of the mango purée with the sugar in a medium saucepan over low heat. In the meantime, soak the sheet gelatine in ice water. Remove saucepan from heat once sugar completely dissolved. Squeeze off excess water and add the softened gelatine to the warm mango purée. Add the rest of the purée and diced mangoes and mix well. Let it cool to room temperature then spoon the mixture on top of the chilled crème fraîch panna cotta to about 2/3 of the height of the glasses/cups. Let it set in the refrigerator, about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Mango Mousse
~ adopted from Tony Wong’s dessert series

150 grams mango purée
15 grams granulated sugar
3½ grams sheet gelatine
120 grams heavy cream, whipped to soft peaks

Warm half of the mango purée with the sugar in a medium saucepan over low heat. In the meantime, soak the sheet gelatine in ice water. Remove saucepan from heat once sugar completely dissolved. Squeeze off excess water and add the softened gelatine to the warm purée and stir until completely dissolved. Add the rest of the purée; stir to combine then let it cool to room temperature.

In a mixing bowl, whisk the heavy cream until soft peaks then using a rubber spatula; fold the whipped cream into the purée base until fully incorporated (no more white streak). Pour this mousse on top of the mango gelée, smooth it out using the back of a spoon and let it set in the refrigerator, about 1 hour.

For garnish:
Mango Coulis
100 grams mango purée
20 grams granulated sugar

Warm half of the mango purée with the sugar in a medium saucepan over low heat. Remove saucepan from heat once sugar completely dissolved. Add the rest of the purée; stir to combine then let it cool to room temperature. Pour it on top of the mango mousse layers, swirl the cup until it covers the mousse completely. Chill in the refrigerator while you prepare to torch some mango cubes – take care not to burn them! If you like, you can also add some edible flakes to dress them up.



光是看這道芒果奶酪慕斯杯層次分明的賣相就讓人以為是道費時費工的甜點。沒錯﹐是需要點時間來凝固﹐但製作過程很簡單。材料鮮就是好吃的秘訣。若是買不到優質芒果果泥就找品質、色澤﹑香氣具佳的新鮮芒果取肉﹐用食物調理機打成泥狀再過濾。要是兩種也購買不到﹐不妨選用其它當季的水果。我不是第一次製作這道點心﹐可是頭一次用crème fraîche(酸味軟乳酪)做成的奶酪配芒果只因為嚐過濃郁中帶清爽的crème fraîche後就愛上這味道﹗該如何形容這個組合呢? 就濃郁誘人﹐甘香軟滑﹐齒頰留香~

明天就是感恩節囉﹐你有什麼樣的節目呢﹖阿Vi我明天將會專職做廚娘做飯給party of 15﹗我會想辦法用鏡頭記錄我人生的第一頓感恩節晚餐跟你分享的﹗Happy Thanksgiving~


芒果奶酪慕斯杯 - 12杯
- Crème Fraîche 奶酪
- 芒果凍
- 芒果慕斯
- 芒果果醬
- 微焦化的芒果粒

- 確實每層都完全凝固才可再倒入另一層﹐這樣才有承托力。
- 因為是奶製品﹐最好在兩天內吃完噢~

Crème Fraîche 奶酪
~自Cannelle et Vanille

200g 鮮奶油
45g 砂糖
1條 香草豆﹐縱的開半﹐刮籽
3g 明膠片
100g crème fraîche (法國酸奶油)

明膠片用冰水泡軟之後擠掉水分備用。將鮮奶油﹑砂糖﹑香草豆跟籽一起放入小鍋裡﹐開中火加熱煮至沸騰後熄火。加入泡軟的明膠片,攪拌至融化混合﹐過濾奶漿。待放置至微溫後拌入crème fraîche﹐攪拌均勻﹐盛入杯子中至1/3滿,然後放入冰箱冷凍凝固﹐約2小時或一個晚上。

~ 自Tony Wong的五星級蛋糕甜點

150g 新鮮芒果肉﹐切粒
100g 芒果果泥
25g 砂糖
2g 明膠片


~ 自Tony Wong的五星級蛋糕甜點

150g 芒果果泥
15g 砂糖
3½g 明膠片
120g 打發好的鮮奶油



100g 芒果果泥
20g 砂糖
適量 芒果粒




  1. hey vi, thx for sharing this wonderful recipe. i'm gonna make it soon :D your photos are really really beautiful its hard to imagine you're using a nikon D40! so as they say, its not the camera that makes the photographer, you're just one good example :)

  2. Hello from Malaysia!

    Have been following your blog for quite sometime! Y'know what, your pastry skills, photography & styling just blew me away! Really enjoy my visit here each time!

    Keep it up yea?


  3. Beautiful dessert! since it's summer in Australia, this recipe came just in time, thx~ & the little cookies look yummy as well~~

  4. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Always a fan of two toned panna cotta!

  5. These are gorgeous - I love verrines - you make them very well.

  6. nice dessert... seems like you really love making desserts... hey can u tell me where you bought the gelatin sheets? i don't know where to look for them! thanks thanks!!!

  7. Dear Vi,

    Your Mango Verrines looks amazing on the white porcelain plate! Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. That's so beautiful and it does look delicious as well!

  9. 香港唔會太凍,咩凍品都無問題...正呀!!!

  10. Your mango verrines looks so delicious and your photos are absolutely stunning!

  11. Lovely post. Where did you get your verrines? I've been looking for some for a while. Thanks!

  12. Thank you all for your lovely and kind comments! Reading them brighten my day, as always =)

    Anonymous - I got my verrine cups from a local party warehouse. They are available @ JB Prince too.

  13. 我做过一次Claudia Fleming的The Last Course.一书里的Crème Fraîche Panna Cotta也是马上喜欢上了Crème Fraîche她是搭配Raspberry Sorbet。

  14. Thanks for these lovely pictures and fine idea's.
    I do love what i see, and thise blog gifs me inspiration for making some of my one cake's for my shop in Belgium.
    PS verrine cups and much more at

  15. 太耐無黎探你喇...其實我有黎架,不過唔知點解之前個排留唔到言呢....你每次做既甜品都係咁令人賞心悅目架!!


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