Friday, February 13, 2009

St. Valentine’s Day: Coup de coeur ~ 草莓花蜜慕斯蛋糕


Happy St. Valentine’s Day, everyone! This is my Valentine’s gram to you =)

This is a remix version of the classic French fraisier or strawberry shortcake! Instead of filling it with crème patisserie, I filled it with honey mousse, something I have been tempted to do since I got myself a copy of Christine Manfield’s Desserts. There isn’t a fraisier recipe in her book but when I saw the recipe for the honey mousse I immediately thought of it as a substitute for the cream filling. It is so much lighter! However, I can’t guarantee that it is skimmer^^ I also used her génoise sponge recipe but made some adjustment to it. The recipes were easy to follow but the end result is marvelous!

Coup de coeur
yields 2 - 6x2in cakes

Almond Génoise Sponge Cake
5 large eggs, separated
150g granulated sugar
80g almond flour
70g all purpose flour, sifted
1tsp vanilla essence
50g unsalted butter, melted and cooled

Preheat oven to 320°F/160°C. Grease a 24cm round cake pan with generously with butter and line it with parchment paper.

Sift together almond flour and flour. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar until pale and creamy. Add in the sifted flour mix, vanilla essence, the melted butter; stir until combined after each addition. In another bowl, whip the egg whites until stiff peaks form then gently fold it into the cake batter with a spatula, fold until incorporated.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan, tap the pan slightly on the counter to release any air bubbles, bake for 20 minutes or until golden. Turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Slice it into 10mm thick rounds then stamp it with the heart shaped mousse ring.


Acacia Honey Mousse
320ml whole milk
60g *Miele di Acacia (Acacia Honey)
4 egg yolks
100g granulated sugar
7g gelatine leaves
250ml heavy cream

*Elegant and rich, Acacia honey is called the "moonflower honey" in Italy. It has a clean, light vanilla flavor. It tastes delicious with coffee or tea, also great drizzled over toast, ricotta cheese or shaved hard cheeses.

First, bring a pot of water to boil then reduce to low heat once boiled. Bring the milk and honey to just boil over medium heat; stirring constantly to avoid burning the mixture. Remove the honey milk mixture once reached simmering point. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks with the sugar in a bowl then whisk in the honey milk slowly. Place the bowl over the pot of simmering water and stir gently until the mixture thicken into a custard or until it coats the back of a wooden spoon then remove from heat. Stir in the pre-soaked gelatine leaves, stir until completely dissolved. Pass the custard through a fine meshed sieve and place into a bath of icy water to cool. Whisking constantly to keep it aerated as it cools.

Whip the cream until stiff peaks form then fold 1/3 of this into the cooled custard, mix until combined. Fold in the rest of the whipped cream until combined. Spoon the mousse into a piping bag without a tip, set side.

Kirsch Syrup
2tbsp granulated sugar
4tbsp water
2tsp Kirsch (cherry liqueur)

Put sugar and water in a heatproof bowl then place it in the microwave to dissolve the sugar, about 30 seconds. Let cool until adding kirsch to the mixture, stir until combined.

Rose Flavor Chantilly Cream
200ml heavy cream
2tbsp caster sugar
1tsp rose essence

Place the cream, sugar and rose essence in a bowl and whip until semi-stiff peaks form.


Assemble and decorating the cake:
Place the mousse molds on a tray then put a cake base inside each mold then brush a layer of kirsch syrup on top. Arrange the strawberry halves cut side to the side of the mold, pipe the honey mousse in between the strawberries and fill up to about 1/2 of the height of the moulds. Arrange strawberries on cake base until full, pipe more mousse until almost to the top, take another piece of cake, brush a layer of syrup then place it on top with syrup side facing down. Push it down slightly with your palm to take out any air bubbles then place in fridge to set for 1 hour.

Remove from fridge. To unmold the cakes, wrap a hot towel around the mold for 10 second then use your fingers to push the cake upward. With an icing knife in hand, spread the cream onto the cake center, move the knife over the top to get a smooth finish. Decorate with white chocolate ruffles, rose petals and fresh strawberries.


這個蛋糕是法式經典草莓蛋糕fraisier的變奏版。由原本奶油餡心(crème patisserie)改成了花蜜慕斯﹐口感清爽許多。不知為啥在翻Christine Manfield的Desserts一書時看到這個食譜馬上就想到用它做為fraisier的餡心。傑諾瓦士海綿蛋糕的食譜也是來自這書﹐不過我加了杏仁粉﹐蛋糕體也變的較濕潤。食譜雖然簡單﹐但是甜點整體味道豐富有層次。蜜糖的濃郁甜味配酸酸的草莓合適的不得了﹐吃了滿嘴的草莓奶香~

草莓花蜜慕斯蛋糕 ~ 法式經典草莓蛋糕變奏版
2個 - 直徑6x2in 心形蛋糕

杏仁傑諾瓦士(海綿)蛋糕 ~直徑24cm/10寸圓形模具1個

5 個 大的蛋黃
5 個 大的蛋白
150g 砂糖
80g 杏仁粉
70g 麵粉, 篩過
1tsp 香草精
50g 放涼的澄清無鹽奶油

- 將一烤架移到烤箱中格﹐烤箱預熱至320°F/160°C。
- 模具抹上厚厚的奶油﹐再鋪上烘烤紙﹐備用。







320ml 全脂奶
60g 洋槐(相思)花蜜
4 蛋黃
100g 砂糖
7g 魚膠片
250ml 鮮奶油

- 明膠片用冰水泡軟之後擠掉水分﹐備用。如果用明膠粉﹐將其倒入水裡泡脹後備用。




4湯匙 清水
2湯匙 砂糖
2茶匙 櫻桃利口酒



玫瑰風味香堤麗鮮奶油 – 約1 ½ 杯份量
200ml 鮮奶油
2湯匙 細砂糖
1茶匙 玫瑰精

將鮮奶油﹑玫瑰精﹑和細砂糖放入mixing bowl裡﹐用電動打蛋器先以低速打發鮮奶油至起泡﹐再轉中速攪打至出現尖角的程度。將鮮奶油放冰箱冷藏10分鐘即完成。




  1. I just have to say, that is so beautiful!!!

  2. Oh waouw ! Just so beautiful and so dream :)

  3. That is so WOW!! Absolutely beautiful!

  4. Vi!!! This is absolutely gorgeous!!! Happy V-day!

  5. oh...我同妳一樣整咗差不多的蛋糕啊!!Happy V-day to u!!

  6. 整個就是一個pro..Happy Valentine's!

  7. Hello Vi

    your cake looks very pretty !
    Happy Valentines Day & Weekend ;)

  8. This is such a beautiful romantic dessert! It looks absolutely delicious, maybe even too pretty to eat! You have a gorgeous space here. I'll be returning soon! Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. this is just stunning!! so much work went into this :) bravo. i'm loving the sound of honey mousse - in fact, this is so beautiful i can eat the whole thing right now. Happy Valentine's x

  10. Can you eat the rose petals?

  11. Vi 呀,

    嘩, 好靚呀 !!
    嘻, 嗰位有福享受小 Vi 精心製造的靚靚糕餅嘅小男生, 一定開心到飛起 ♥.♥ 喇 !! :D

    ps : 小 Vi Vi 妳與妳愛的人都情人節快樂喔 !!

  12. WOW!!! Stunning, beautiful and I love the rose pedals on the short cake.

  13. I love your blog, and your pictures, and your recipes, and this is a must that I have to try.

    thanks for share your delicius recipe

  14. 靚到不得了!不知誰能有幸收到妳的homemade cake呢?

  15. Dear Vi,

    Happy Valentine's Weekend!

    I love Acacia Honey and Fraiser Cake so this is such a perfect Valentine Cake for me :P Are you sharing the cake with any lucky one dear in your heart?

  16. 嘩哈哈哈~

  17. Bernice, veganpower, Nicisme, suesse-mahlzeit, lisa, La Table De Nana, chuck:
    Thank you very much for your comments! I hope you had a lovely Valentine’s Day!

    鱼宝 – Hi dearest! I am so happy to see you here! I hope you had a great V-Day yourself!

    為食妹 – 剛剛去完你度﹐我下次整呢個蛋糕時會嘗試整meringue先得﹗

    blueapple – 哇。。沒有啦 ^///^

    diva@SugarBar – Maybe it was the type of honey I used, it is so aromatic but yet light on the palate! Hope you’ll give this try! You know someone did eat this whole!! I only got a bite of that strawberry!!

    Anonymous – yes, you can you eat the rose petals (just make sure it is organic) ^^

    過客R – 哈﹐他好像又幾喜歡食呢個cake^^

    mavele – Thank you! Come back often!

    貓姐 – ^///^

    Blue – I would have made you one if you live close! See, I thought he would share with me but he ate the whole cake himself!!

    小婦人 – 蝴蝶係朋友送﹐我很喜歡。我喜歡用來包裝禮物﹐不過原來用來裝飾蛋糕也不錯哦﹗

  18. 這個蛋糕真係好有情人節氣氛,收到的我(相片)都感到浪漫滿足,有機會都要做下先得,但又要買個心形模啦!!!


  19. Vi,是那盛蛋糕的通花碟...不是蝴蝶呢(當然那蝴蝶都漂亮啊~)

  20. 靚到連假蝴蝶都吸引埋黎呀.. :P

  21. Are your cakes for sale? they look so yummy!

  22. 这个蛋糕我真是太太太喜欢了~~~qqq3686@163.com得闲写信俾我啊!!!

  23. dear v,

    i want to ask if the water need to mix with honey & milk? if yes, how much water do i need to boil?


  24. yy – 呢個花蜜餡還適合給有氣喘的人食﹐因為洋槐蜜有這個功效﹐不過蛋糕體要改成少糖少油才行﹗

    小婦人 – 哈哈﹐看錯了:p
    通花碟cake stand 在一間集時裝﹐home accessories﹐古董傢具﹐名為Anthrpologie的店買的。店的風格很有global trotter feel﹐她們的顧客群大多從事和美術﹑design有關的行業。我想你一定會喜歡的^^

    Lyon – 嘿嘿。。。是呀﹐招蜂引蝶 =p

    blueapple – I do make cake to order^^

    乜系你啊 – Thank you =)

    Louisa – No, please do not add the water to the honey milk mixture! We just want the steam from the hot water to warm the bowl while you add the mixture to the eggs to stir it into the custard state =)

  25. Nice to know!!! But I live in Orange County, So.Cal, how to deliver?

    I miss SF....

  26. Une Merveille !!!

    Tu as un talent fou...merci pour tant de plaisir pour mes yeux :)

  27. 係呀~那裡很多東東都很別緻又漂亮呢!

  28. perfect for v-day or any day for that matter!

  29. Wow this is wonderful, a dream !!! Bye Lisa

  30. Thank you all for your comments!

    blueapple – I would love your business; however, it won’t taste or look as fresh if it is FedEx it down to SoCal. Maybe when you come back for the visit =)

  31. OH MY~~~~~~~ *_*

    Dear Venus,

    Sorry I haven't visited your lovely blog for a while. Lately my mind has been really scattered and I just haven't been able to focus on my blog & my friends~ haha. ^^"

    I can see that despite your busy schedule, you still found time, amazingly, to reward our eyes with one after another of your drop dead gorgeous cakes! Love them love them!!!

    Thanks for sharing~ & keep up the good work. =^_^=

  32. Hi Verano!


    No worry, I know there is more to our lives than blogging though it is undeniably an important part of life =)


  33. this cake looks amazing!!! 下次也要做一下~

  34. This looks like the most perfect dessert! I love anything with rose in it!

  35. Hi Vi,

    I tried making your cake, but I wasn't quite able to make the honey mousse part of it. When I added milk to the egg mixture over hot water, the mixture did not thicken, so as a result, the mousse was not able to set. Do you know where I could've gone wrong? Thanks =)

  36. Hello Anna,

    It sounds like it hasn't been cooked through. How long did you cook the honey milk egg mixture? It will take about 3 - 5 minutes for it to thicken up.


Don't be shy! Drop me a few lines ^0^